If you have a credit card, you must use it for the purchase. After which you have to pay that amount also. If you get cashback as a reward instead of these credit card payments, you’ll benefit even more. This article is going to tell you about an app through which if you pay a credit card bill, you get some cashback instead.
If you also want to get information about this app then pay the credit card bill through it. In this post you are being given information about what is CRED app and how to make credit card payments from CRED app .
What is CRED App (What is CRED App in Gujarati)
It is a kind of simple application, developed for both Android and iOS versions. This platform is specially designed for people who use credit cards. Through the Cred app, individuals can also earn rewards and good cashback by paying their credit card bills, while credit card management is also simplified through the Cred app.
But only those users who have a credit score of 750 or above can use this app. This application is proving to be very beneficial for credit card users, more than 10 million people have downloaded this app, and its rating is also very good. With the passage of time the utility of this app is increasing and so are the credit card users.
People who use credit cards must know that if their bill is not paid on time, the cardholder has to pay a penalty for it, and even if you pay the bill on time, you do not get any benefits. On paying bills through the same cred app, the user gets a reward in the form of points, on repeated payment of this type, the points also increase, which also benefits the user.
Cred App Founder
Cred App is also created by Kunal Shah, former CEO of an online mobile recharge company. Kunal Shah is just 38 years old, lives in Mumbai and completed his education from Narsi Moonji Institute of Management Studies.
How to Download Cred App (Download Cred App)
- Before using Cred app you have to download it in your smart phone.
- For this you have to go to your mobile’s Google Play Store/Apple Store.
- After this you have to search by typing CRED in the search option.
- Cred app appears in front of you, then you click on Install option to install the app.
- Apart from this you can also download this app from the official website of Cred.
- Now “Pay Your Credit Card Bills, win reward” will appear in front of you, after that you have to select Continue option and proceed.
- After installing the app open it, as soon as you open the app a box will appear in front of you to enter your mobile number.
- Enter your mobile number in this box, in this you have to enter the same number which is linked with your bank account.
- After this, an OTP will be sent to your mobile number, enter it and proceed.
- If your credit card score is good, your account will be approved subject to all standards.
- After this you have to enter your account name and email id.
- After this click on proceed, you will reach a new page.
- In this page your CIBIL score is checked by Cred App, if your CIBIL score is as per rules then you have to click on proceed button.
- After this you have to verify your credit card.
- For this you have to verify by entering the credit card number.
- 1 rupee is credited to your credit card through the CRED app on completion of your verification.
- After which you can activate the app by clicking on the Active Cred Protect button.
How to make credit card payment through CRED App? (Credit App Bill Payment)
- To pay credit card bill through CRED app, first you need to open CRED app.
- After this you have to click on the card option given in the app.
- All types of cards appear on your screen.
- Select the card through which you want to pay and click on it.
- After this click on pay button, you will see many payment options like net banking and UPI etc.
- Click on the option of the way you want to pay the bill.
- After this you have to click on the proceed button.
- This is how your bill is paid.
- As soon as you pay the bill, you get some points on your credit app.
- If you want to view these points, you have to click on the My Cart option.
Cred App Advantages
- With the help of this you can easily pay your credit card bill through the app.
- You also get cashback and rewards through the Cred app for bill payments.
- You can easily manage more than one credit card through this app.
- Apart from this, you can easily check all the expenses incurred on the credit card.
- With this app, you can easily pay credit card bills through debit card, UPI and net banking.
- From this app you get all kinds of notifications like when to pay, how much to pay etc.
- You can also easily check your credit card score.
- Download App- Click Here