We all know that breakfast is the most vital meal of the day. The idea behind why all expert keeps advocating its importance is because breakfast breaks your eight hours long fast between sleeping and waking hours. Breakfast is even the time when your body is most adaptable to nutrient absorption. Hence, not having breakfast can direct to weight gain. Containing an ideal blend of carbs, proteins, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals is required . Some combinations you can contain are Idli sambhar, multigrain parathas with a glass of milk, besan cheela, masala omelette, boiled eggs with multigrain toast and a bowl of fruits. Containing refined flour is not a good idea if weight loss is your goal.
Most people feel hungry during this the time frame. Around noon, our breakfast gets totally digested but we are still 1-2 hours away from lunch. Mid-morning snacks can ideally contain a bowl of fruits, handful of nuts, chaas, makhaane, cut vegetables, and banana smoothie.
Lunch sets the energy bar for the rest of a your day. This is even the time your metabolism has began slowing down. Therefore, having appropriate lunch is needed so that it does not make you sleepy and does not direct to unnecessary cravings. Lunch should be a combination of rice, roti, dal, sabzi and salad.
The worst time of the day is between the 4-6 pm! Your lunch has totally digested, your energy level is sapped with all the work that you have been doing and dinner seems such as a distant dream. Evening snacks are even the danger zone. This is the time most hands reach out for sandwiches, chips, samosas, bread pakodas and everything obtainable in the office canteen or street vendor. Your metabolism is low at this time and possibilities of getting stomach fat starts improving from this time on. Hence, choosing for healthy and light options is your only choice to lose weight. You can contain sprout salad, chickpea salad, rajma salad, a handful of dried fruits, vegetable salad or a glass of chaas or a bowl of yogurt.
For weight loss fanatics, dinner is the way to losing kilos. Since many of you end up reaching house by 8 or 9 pm, healthy is the last thing on your mind after a grilling day at the work. If you do not want to starve yourself by the time you reach house, it is secure to carry a roti roll with you which you can consume around 6 pm. This will aid as when you reach home, you will not jump on food and stick to a smaller portion. For dinner, you can contain dal, subzi and salad, grilled chicken or fish with veggies and potatoes, a bowl of rice with dal and salad, soup and salad, one multigrain roti with veggies and salad.
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Vital note:
Remember to contain 30 minutes of walk daily to assure a sustainable weight loss.