Chapter 4 Bhagavat Mela and Kuchipudi The region and today in Tamil Nadu, Bhatma, Chipudi, Bagkam, Kshaman Itichandi, variously known as Vasa Nritya Natya Prakari. Other types like Vihinatakam of the region and Tirchu of Tamil Nadu are known as Napakars of Roudis. Apart from that, Kurtteji has done it. .
Expanding the list of these types, each of these styles swims differently according to its size, so that at the moment its elements and elements are almost the same, they become members of a large family. All of these are similar to the wider literary genres of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. In fact, all that is lost in the context of Katik's paganism is also seen in the extensive development structures taking place between the region and Tamil Nadu.
(When he took a definite shape during the seventeenth century in Tak, the Bhagavatmela of Jodhpur is called Pratiya Chipudi of Jodh taluka Tamil Nadu and Odh, all of which were closely related). Popular plays of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were watered down by economically underdeveloped groups. That Vidhinatakath and Teramu ”are in a hot state today.
It is mainly played by the backward classes of the society or some tribal group. Peering into the interbreeding of these two species, they seem to follow a wide range of literary forms, such as the Yashgana or the Bhagavatmela. Thus genres cannot be clearly categorized in the literary, traditional and urban, on the one hand, and folk or public, on the other.
All these styles as well as the fardias and types known in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh show our minds that there were two parallel cultural trends at that time. One orb was moving within the boundaries of the region, although some of the artistic dominance was limited to a few parts of the kingdom, rising and falling, another horizontal movement, with artistic creatures consistent with different levels of society and especially in the immediate regions. Was in touch.
Gajeb who can give this incident temporary relief and without the conjugation of the name of Ekmohanokha 41 Gujkhachaka this country thick sales 3am , This is Ki Kalpi Kummi. Janbip Madhurio Karanam and Rhymes etc. M7. Apart from Vayak Kad Helme, Ritual Nrutvi Kolam Nagan has many similar features of human movements based on each house or musical melody in each of the pre-Bhutam etc. 1 to 6.
It is also closely related to the literary content of Ghee to 1st and more to 2nd. A distinction can be made between the type of dance and the type of dance and their distinctive and common features. Right now, Palne means the same thing as Gh and Tamil Nadu with another branch. We have come to know the relationship between this meaning, Kali and Lagaan. Moju Kutiyakram, though associated with both the temple pragina rituals and dance dramas, is itself a separate class.